The Lucas sequence Ln is defined by the recurrence relation: Ln = Ln1 + Ln2, for n 3, with L1 = 1 and L2 = 3. Which one of the options given is TRUE?
Geetha has a conjecture about integers, which is of the form x(P(x) ⇒ yQ(x, y)), where P is a statement about integers, and Q is a statement about pairs of integers. Which of the following (one or more) option(s) would imply Geethas conjecture?
Let p and q be two propositions. Consider the following two formulae in propositional logic. S1:(p(pq))q S2:q(p(pq)) Which one of the following choices is correct?
Let R be the set of all binary relations on the set {1,2,3}. Suppose a relation is chosen from R at random. The probability that the chosen relation is reflexive (round off to 3 decimal places) is _______.
Let G be a group of 35 elements. Then the largest possible size of a subgroup of G other than G itself is______.
Which one of the following predicate formulae is NOT logically valid? Note that W is a predicate formula without any free occurrence of x.
Graph G is obtained by adding vertex s to K3,4 and making s adjacent to every vertex of K3,4. The minimum number of colours required to edge-colour G is _______.