Consider the following languages.

L1 = {wxyx | w, x, y (0 + 1)+}
L2 = {xy | x, y(a + b)*, |x| = |y|, x≠y }

Which one of the following is TRUE??


L1 is regular and L2 is context-free.


L1 is context-free but not regular and L2 is context-free.


Neither L1 nor L2 is context-free.


L1 is context-free but L2 is not context-free.


L1 = {wxyx | w, x, y (0 + 1)+} is Regular language

Since in L1 = wxyx, we have two possibilities here, x can be 0 or 1, and w & y ∈ (0 + 1)+

So, overall we will get regular expressions as

(0 + 1)+0(0 + 1)+0 + (0 + 1)+1(0 + 1)+1


L2 = {xy | x, y(a + b)*, |x| = |y|, x≠y is Context-free language (CFL)

There exists a Grammar for the above language.

E → XY | YX
X → a | aXa | aXb | bXb | bXa
Y → b | aYa | aYb | bYb | bYa